Ohana Tales

"Ohana means family...and family means no one gets left behind" - This line from Disney's Lilo and Stitch really says it all - this blog chornicles the journey of raising our family through stories, pictures, and other content. Check back often for updates.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

On a more serious note...

The Grand Councilwoman and I just finished watching our favourite TV Shows - Smallville and Alias. Alias does this heart wrenching play on the father-daughter relationship; in particular it did last week. After last weeks particularly heart-wrenching episode, I said to the councilwoman, "I used to identify with the kids, now I identify with the parents." It scares me anytime to see a movie or a show where a parent loses a kid or vica versa. This week's episode Arvin Sloan relives the death of his daughter. In last week's episode, Syndey's dad plays piano with Syndey as a kid, and then tells his wife (who actually happens to be Sydney pretending to be her mom - so it makes for even more a poigniant moment) that he's going to quit his job at the CIA so he could spend more time with Sydney. I have to admit I was wiping away the tears.
It's something I've been thinking a lot about lately. . Last week, we nearly lost Stitch. Lilo and Sitch were taking a bath when Stitch slipped and fell onto his back in the water. As I started running towards him, I watched to see if he could get up on his own, and all I could see was his face under the water and his arms flailing helplessly to try to get air. The image of him screaming under the water, eyes open, flailing will remain for me for a long time. As I picked him up, I realized that no one else could be there for him. I am the only one who could be a father him, and I need to be there for him. If this means sacrificing other things, then I must do so. If my job at the CIA keeps me from them, then I need to quit. I need to make sure I live my life according to my values.
I also can't imagine what it would be like to lose him. I can am starting to understand somewhat the love that God has for us through the love I have for Lilo and Stitch. The joy he must have when we are good, and the pain he endures when we aren't. And the sorrow he must feel when He loses a soul.

- Bubbles


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