Ohana Tales

"Ohana means family...and family means no one gets left behind" - This line from Disney's Lilo and Stitch really says it all - this blog chornicles the journey of raising our family through stories, pictures, and other content. Check back often for updates.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Thanksgiving 2007

For the 3rd Year, we went to Aunt C's house for dinner again. Uncle James and his wife were up from MD, and we celebrated their retirement. Cousin A got some practice holding a baby. The meal, as usual had plenty, but the food was superb this year, including:

2 flavors of smoked duck
Turkey Breast (First time I have had turkey at their house..last year we almost did, but a raccoon ran away with the turkey!)
and another meat I can't remember!!
..and of course, Salmon Sashimi Dish

Here are some pics...click to see more detail.


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