Ohana Tales

"Ohana means family...and family means no one gets left behind" - This line from Disney's Lilo and Stitch really says it all - this blog chornicles the journey of raising our family through stories, pictures, and other content. Check back often for updates.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Reading Rainbow

So here we are in Boston and I've got both Lilo and Stich. I've never really fully appreciated having a school for Lilo to go to during the day so that my days wouldn't be so full with trying to entertain TWO growing toddlers. But I'm realizing as each day passes how much they're developing each day. What a joy to experience it firsthand... even though at times they wear me out before it's even nooon.

So recently we went to the nearby bookstore (library as Lilo calls it) to hang out, chill in the AC, and read/make a mess of the place. I decided to get a workbook that Lilo and I could work on to to keep her busy while we're out here.

I ended up getting a phonics workbook (grade 1)... Lilo insisted in getting a book that she could "read." I have to tell you it's been amazing to watch her progress. Admittingly, I was SO frustrated the first day... I will probably never be a teacher... but Lilo has really amazed me. Of course, she's already been introduced to phonics for the last few months (thanks to her SMM teachers) but I've never really seen her read as well as she has until the last few days.

Our "thing" is that whenever she reads it correctly by herself I'd give her "high fives.". The funny thing is, Stich always wants to be a part of the "action." He'll stick out his hand and I'll give him one too. Today I had just finished giving Lilo a "high five" when Stich started making his usual grunting noise. I look over and he points to my hand. I'm thinking what does he want. So I lay out my hand and he ends up giving me a few high fives. The kid is adorable. :)

I'm hoping that Lilo will be reading Shakespere by the end of the summer....


Walking home from dinner on Monday with the Councilwoman and the kids, we stopped by a park to let the kids play.
There was a jungle gym that piqued Lilo's curiousity. It was one of those horitzontal "ladders" at almost every playground where you hang to the ladder rungs and walk with your hands from rung to rung to get from one side to the other - like the one pictured to the above.

Lilo grabbed onto the first rung and immediately fell to the ground, screaming "daddy". She went to another item, but then came back to the ladder.
I turned away to take a phone call, and when I hung up, heard Lilo calling my name, screaming for help. I came to find her at the ladder again. Standing on the side, she was able to hang on to the first rung, and then swing out to second rung. But, as she reached for the third, she started losing grip, screamed "daddy", and crashed to the ground on her back, crying. However, as she was crying and whining, she got up and ran straight back to the beginning of the ladder and reached for the first rung and started the process over again. It seemd as if she was determined to get past the second rung. I watched as she did this over, and over, and over again. I was dumbfounded. She would whine and cry the whole time, but get back onto the ladder each time. I tried to offer help, but she wouldn't take it. I offered advice about wrapping her thumb around instead of a thumb on top with the rest of the fingers grip. She didn't take it. She did it literally 20 times (apparently, she was doing it before when I was on the phone too). She tried, over, and over, and over again. Grab, hang, swing....lose grip...scream daddy...fall.....whine....get up....start again. ...
Eventually, I decided she wasn't going to make it past the second rung, so I started telling her it was time to go. I turned to Stitch and the Grand Councilwoman to get them ready to go, when suddenly a foot nailed me between my legs. I turned around and saw it was Lilo's foot kicking about as she swung to the third...then fourth...then fifth rung and finally to the other end!!! But mommy missed it! So she got back on and did it again!!
I tell you, as a parent, I was so proud. It showed so much about her personality and determination.
We celebrated with her, and as we were leaving, she decided to get back on and do it from the other side. (contrary to my voice telling her it was time to go) Unfortunately, she fell, and started getting up to do it again.
As a parent, I was torn - we said it was time to go, but she was determined to make it across. Do I let her try again or do I stand by my word and do we go? It was a tough decision. We decided to leave, and promised we would return. She cried for the first 2 blocks. Perhaps I made the wrong decision....
I am so proud of her. It didn't matter that she didn't make it the last time (although she said she was sad because she didn't do it the last time). It wouldn't have mattered if she didn't make it at all. It more important that she kept trying. And I learned a lot about her. It will be an interseting challenge to strike the balance between not crushing her determination and spirit, and making sure my word counts.
As we walked home, she told me she had a boo-boo on her hands. I turned to see her hands all bruised. Every once in a while, as I proudly held her hand while we were walking home, she would say "ow! you touched my boo-boo!".

Rhode Island

This past weekend, we went down to Rhode Island for a visit.
On Saturday, we rented a car (of course I got lost in Boston's crazy streets) and drove down to Block Island. Block ISland is a like a mini Martha's vineyard in Rhode Islland.
We got to the Island and rented some bikes with seats on the back. We put the kids on, with their helmets, and buckled them into the seats. And we were off. We went across the street to get some water. As I was getting off the Bike, I turned around to look at the Grand Councilwoman getting off the bike. Unfortunately, she the bike fell over sideways, and Stitch went with it. The GRand Councilwoman screamed, and I saw Stitch helplessly fall and the side of his head. Then the grand councilwoman kicked him in the head.
People came running from all over:
"OMG! Is he okay?"
"He hit his head! Did you see the fall?"
"I saw him fall and hit. It was hard! You need to take him to the medical center immediately!"
"He needs to get neurologically examined"
"We'll take your bikes! We won't charge you!"

We were so shocked and overwhelmed by all the people that we went straight to the medical center. As we were walking, I was thinking he was fine. . .
But we were so railroaded and couldn't go back, we went up to the medical center.
It was obvious that Stitch was fine. And the medical center confirmed it.
So we wasted an hour and probably have a huge medical bill waiting at home. I have to say that this is our first experience with too many other people who don't have kids thinking they know what is best. Next time I'll tell them to go shove it.
We ended the day with a taxi tour around the island. The taxi driver was a bit morbid. She kept talking about all the dead people in her life. . her mom who died when a plane crashed into the gas station. Her son "John". "I had a John. He died too". Other people who died. It was morbid.
We ate clam chowder at "Finns" on the island. Probably some of the best we've had in a while. And given that its the Councilwoman's favourite and we're now in New England, we've had a lot of it.
Next we stopped at my coworker's place for dinner nearby, and ended with a visit with my cousin Simon to NewPort and just hanging out at his place.

An Update

So, I guess it has been awhile since we have blogged. Things have been busy.
I am off to Boston for business. It was originally a 2 month gig, but it looks like the company wants me to stay here through the end of the year. If we can make it work for Lilo's school (we can find a school here and hold a spot for her at home) then we will probably stay. The grand councilwoman is excited about the prospect of living out of her home state for the first time.
We're looking forward to it as my mom family is out here, Boston is a cool city, and we can go visit friends in NYC and Philly. I haven't been there since 1989. I know Rocketdog and our brother will be disappointed that we won't be in LA anymore, as she is moving there for school.
The other day, we went to visit my mom's youungest sister in a suburb of Boston. I told Lilo we were going to visit grandma's sister. When my aunt arrived at the train station, Lilo yelled out "Nai-nai" or Grandma. She mistook her for my mom. All night, she cuddled up to her and called her "Nai-nai", "nai-nai". NExt week my mom will be here too. She'll be confused then.
Lilo also played with my cousin Danielle, and had a tea party wth the dollhouse in the basement. It was very cute. We need to get a tea house and doll house for Lilo. I guess the kids will see winter.
Lilo also went to the garden and planted SEEDLESS grapes with my cousin Alex in the yard. Doubtful they'll have any grape vines anyimte soon.
Alex was surprisingly good with the kids. Except for when he lifted Stitch by his arm alone. We were worried for a second because he started crying and didn't use his arm. Almost went to the doctor.

Monday, June 13, 2005

...in the making Posted by Hello

Okay, its has been some time since we blogged, but here are some pictures from this weekend down in Newport beach Posted by Hello