All I want for Christmas

Lilo: "I'd like some Glass slippers for Christmas"
Santa: "Oh! Those are hard to make. I'll see what I can do"

The Bourden's, who we met on the plane over the summer, invited us out to New Hampshire to Charmingfare Farms. The farm offers horse drawn sleigh rides through a winter wonderland on their farms. You pass through the homes of the Grinch, the gingerbread man, nutcracker, and a host of other Christmas characters and end up at a shack where Mrs. Claus is serving cocoa and cookies. And all the characters are running around dancing. there's also a petting/feeding zoo with some really unique animals (LLAMA?) The kids had a great time, and we went to the cracker barrel afterwards for dinner(for the first time).
Now Lilo thinks Santa lives in New Hampshire, not the North Pole. Oh well.